Education is the key to a fairer world.
Masifunde Changemakers
Nobody knows how severe the outcome of an Covid-19 will be in the Townships. Already now the Lockdown leads a lot of families in dire straits. Masifunde helps youths and families in Walmer Township - with food packages and social assistance per phone.
Izandla Zethu Jewellery, hand-made, straight from South Africa to you! Visit our new online shop. In collaboration with Michaela Römer, one of the most creative jewellers of Germany we educate unemployed young people in the art of jewellery making.
From our blog (Posts only in German)
English: Babalo's reflections on Masi Mondays
Masifunde has started a new event series, the Masi-Monday, a monthly event for Masi friends and staff about culture, food and migration. In this article, Babalo talks about the evolution of the idea and the first inspiring exchange.
Read more22.12.2018
Das Weihnachtskonzert
Seit November konnte man fast täglich das ein oder andere Weihnachtslied aus dem Kindergarten hören. Anfang Dezember fand schließlich das von allen lang ersehnte Weihnachtskonzert statt.
Read more04.12.2018
Nachbereitungsseminar für den Freiwilligenjahrgang 2017/18
Der letzte Teil der Reise des Freiwilligendienstes ist für unsere 5 Masifunde Freiwilligen zu Ende gegangen.
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