Making a difference - Here and everywhere in this one world!
Masifunde learns global in Germany
Our project "Lasst uns global lernen" ("Let´s learn globally") aims to motivate young people to relate their own actions with global developments. So they learn to reflect their rolw in the world and are shown possibilities to contribute to a fairer globalisated world.
All our education programmes in Germany we offer at no charge.
The weekly group sessions of 90 minutes deal with the life in a colourful and globalized world. For one school year, pupils get to know workshop methods and are stimulated in their social competences. Goal is to empower the adolescents to initiate behaviour changes in their social surrounding. This means they are formed to "Changemakers". They have the possibility to extend the exchange by sharing their perspective with a south-african Learn4Life! partner group.
Education excursuses
With education excursuses of 90 minutes we make pupils in Germany think of intercultural topics. Masifunde multiplicators teach about a globalized world by several topics, e.g. Rassism, the South African apartheid, human rights and environment. Thereby they sensitise young people for a globalised world. We also offer a personalized education program.
Weiterbildungsreihe für Erwachsene
Wir bieten jährliche Weiterbildungsreihen für Erwachsene an, in denen die Teilnehmenden mit unserem Changemaking-Ansatz vertraut gemacht werden, neue Methoden kennenlernen und bei der Entwicklung einer Aktion für ihr Handlungs- und Berufsfeld begleitet werden. Neben unserem Changemaking-Ansatz steht bei den Weiterbildungsreihen die Einbeziehung von Süd-Perspektiven auf globale Zusammenhänge im Fokus, gemäß dem Dreiklang: Vision - globale Perspektiven - Aktion.
Multiplicators training
For turn our multiplicators into experts for intercultural education work, Masifunde offers regularly multiplicators training. We train young motivated people the appropriate contents and methods to lead our Learn4Life! groups and education excurses.

Our influence in Germany since 2017
Are you a teacher? Would you like to engage Masifunde at your school? Contact us.